〒314-0036 茨城県鹿嶋市大船津2251沖
What is the Ichino-torii, the first torii west of Kashima Jingu Shrine?
This is one of the four Ichino-torii (first shrine gates) located in the east, west, south, north, and south of Kashima Jingu Shrine.It is said that the torii was built in the Kamakura period (1185-1333).
As the land of Kashima rose, boats that used to enter near Mitarashi Pond could no longer come and go, so Ofunatsu became the new landing place for boats.It is said that the torii gate built there by a monk named “Ninsei” was the origin of the shrine.
In 1618, the second Tokugawa shogun, Hidetada, dedicated the torii gate together with the shrine pavilion of Kashima Jingu Shrine, which was built underwater.The torii was truly the gateway to Kashima at that time.
The current torii was reconstructed in June 2013.It is 18.5 meters high and 22.5 meters wide from the bottom of the water.
It will be one of the largest torii gates on water in Japan.
2251 Ofunatsu, Kashima, Ibaraki 314-0036, Japan2251 Ofunatsu, Kashima, Ibaraki 314-0036, Japan
隨著鹿島地勢的上升,以往從御手洗池附近進入的船隻無法再進出,因此大船津成為了新的船隻登陸處。據說,一位名叫 「仁成 」的僧人在此建造的鳥居就是神宮的起源。
1618 年,德川幕府第二代將軍秀忠將這座鳥居和鹿島神宮的神亭一起供奉在水下。
現在的鳥居於 2013 年 6 月重建,從水底算起高 18.5 公尺、寬 22.5 公尺。
〒314-0036 茨城県鹿嶋市大船津2251番地